Help, My Life Feels Empty!
Does your life feel like it is dull, and boring, with nothing to look forward to?
Does your life feel like it is dull, and boring, with nothing to look forward to?
As you watch the family drama unfold before your eyes as an audience member viewing a performance such as “True West” written by Sam Shepard it is hard to not think about the characters in your own story.
Anger exists for a purpose—to energize us to act. But when anger runs the show, the actions we take can hurt others or ourselves. When we gain self-awareness and practice emotional regulation, we can use our anger to take us to better things.
Domestic abuse is “a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship”.
Not everyone feels safe, supported, or cared for in their environments. Yet having access to nurturing and responsive caregivers, violence-free relationships, and safe environments are important foundations for violence prevention, especially for young children and their early-brain-development.
While these are gestures to help you and/or the person you hurt feel better, it does not directly acknowledge the offense.
Murder mysteries. Missing persons. Unsolved Cases. There is something that pulls us into these stories–the twists, turns, and plot changes. Finding out the truth can be shocking.
I would like to highlight the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.
Tough conversations often create discomfort and can lead to avoidance. There may be reluctance to speak up due to fear of consequences. What will people think? How do I manage my own anxiety? Consider for a moment that remaining silent during tough conversations also communicates a message. What message do you wish to convey?
Violence within intimate relationships is on the rise. Increased stress + staying at home + social isolation has help create a “perfect storm” for violence within the home. Being familiar with the types of abuse that can occur within relationships is an important step to recognize “red flags” to help yourself and/ or others who are experiencing or have experienced abuse during quarantine.