Tag Archive for: Holiday Stress

5 Strategies to Deal with Burnout Stress

Many individuals and families are struggling with balancing the number of hours spent at work while trying to find the time and energy to engage in meaningful activities, schedule appointments, take care of daily responsibilities, and find time for themselves.

Grief and Loss During the Holiday Season

Loss in general is not easy but particularly if you are grieving during the holiday season. If you had a choice of losing something or gaining something, I agree that most people would choose the second option.

Why See a Therapist Over the Holidays?

Here are 7 Reasons Why You Should See a Therapist Over the Holidays.

Anxieties Around Meeting Needs

“My needs are not being met” is a common complaint in relationships. You may be experiencing loneliness due to lack of a fulfilling connections with a partner or family, friends, and/ or social connections. Perhaps you are not feeling respected or esteemed by others within your current role and feeling as though you are “not living up to your full potential”. While these needs are stressful, they are compounded when the foundational basics are not met.

Journaling with CARE Counseling

Awareness of emotional and behavioral patterns is an important aspect for change. If you are not aware that there is a problem, why change? During the holiday season, you will most likely be observing behaviors of your family and friends and may begin to reflect more on how these experiences have shaped your sense of self.  

Holiday Stress Meditation

The Pressure to Not Be Yourself (Conforming to Others Holiday Expectations)

Feeling the pressure to fit in with what one’s friends or family are doing this holiday season can be stressful! After all, it seems easier to “give in” [and conform] than to “rock the boat” and go against others’ expectations.

What may have started out as tradition may begin to feel like an overwhelming obligation. It might begin to feel as though others have control of your schedule and choices. I “have” to visit this person, then I “have” to visit that person. I “have” to make this, then I “have” to make that. I have to buy…I have to go…I have to do… !!

Holiday Self Care

Who can relate to at least one of the following?
Stressing out over holiday plans to make everyone “happy”
Making a decision that you don’t agree with in order to “keep the peace”
Running all over the place, driving or traveling long distances when you would rather stay put
Saying “yes” to plans when you’d rather say “no”
Pushing yourself beyond your limits because it is something you “should” be doing
Feeling obligated to do the same yearly activity/ outing that you’ve always done because “others are counting on it”

7 Step Holiday Self-CARE Plan

The Holidays can be a stressful time. Here is a list of 7 things to remember to help with Self-CARE.