Tag Archive for: Family

Different Types of PTSD and Stress Responses

Immediately after a highly stressful or traumatic event, your body automatically responds as part of the stress response cycle.

How to help struggling adolescents during summer break

Summer break can be a time of excitement and adventure for children and teens, but for those struggling with mental health challenges, it can also be a time of added stress and anxiety.

Adult Relationship Attachment Styles and Helpful Tips for Each Kind

As adult children move away from dependance on their primary attachment figure and form other significant intimate relationships, we learn more about ourselves, our relational needs, and how to communicate in ways that help us feel understood, seen, and loved in relationships.

Coping with Farm & Rural Stress: Supporting Greater Minnesota with Tele-therapy

The rural population often faces significant mental health disparities when it comes to mental health treatment. Mental health services, including specialized treatment options, tend to often be centered in metropolitan areas, yet the prevalence of mental health needs in both rural and metro areas is similar.

Five Benefits of Talking About Your Mental Health with Peers

Talking about mental health with peers is one of the best ways to celebrate mental health awareness month.

Share Your Story + More Ways to Get Involved in Mental Health Awareness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has some great ideas and resources to get involved in events for Mental Health Awareness Month. One way to do so is to share your story.

Help, My Life Feels Empty!

Does your life feel like it is dull, and boring, with nothing to look forward to?

Stress Relief Resources for Teenagers & Free Online Skills to Relax

Most teens are going to experience stress. Commons sources include pressure put on oneself or from others around performance such as getting good grades and excelling in activities such as sports.

Autophobia: The Fear of Being Alone

Autophobia = fear of being alone. Autophobia is not recognized as an official diagnosis but falls within the category of a situational phobia, triggered by the fear of being alone or being lonely.

Supporting Families Impacted by Stress and Trauma

When children experience a traumatic event, the entire family is affected. Often, family members have different experiences and emotional responses to the traumatic event.