Five Benefits of Talking About Your Mental Health with Peers

Talking about mental health with peers is one of the best ways to celebrate mental health awareness month. The more that we talk about mental health, the more normalized these conversations become. It inspires hope as the stigmas associated with mental health begin to dissipate, especially as you share your own experiences with mental health and listen to others talk about their mental health.

Five Benefits of Talking About Your Mental Health with Peers

Here are Five Benefits of Talking About Your Mental Health with Peers


Talking about your experiences, especially what has been helpful for your mental health encourages others to also talk about their experiences. Peers can be a great source of encouragement.


Talking about your mental health can empower others to embrace aspects of themselves and take positive steps such as making the decision to see a therapist for the first time. Talking about topics that may have previously been avoided due to stigma can empower you to find your voice and overcome shame.


Talking about mental health can help make new friends and connect to others who share similarities such as current stage of life, presenting concerns, or mental health diagnosis. Talking about mental health can also help you feel more connected to a larger community.


Talking about mental health can greatly support others, both 1:1 and in settings such as mental health support groups.


Talking about the ‘wins’ that are part of your mental health journey such as making progress towards goals and becoming a stronger version of yourself is something to celebrate and talk about. Acknowledging wherever you are currently, embracing imperfections, and celebrating yourself and the journey is important.

Written By: Charlotte Johnson, MA, LPCC

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