7 Types of Triggers and 7 Coping Strategies
Sensory triggers in the environment can be very distracting and trigger sensory overload such as feeling overwhelmed, meltdowns, or shutting down.
Sensory triggers in the environment can be very distracting and trigger sensory overload such as feeling overwhelmed, meltdowns, or shutting down.
Many individuals and families are struggling with balancing the number of hours spent at work while trying to find the time and energy to engage in meaningful activities, schedule appointments, take care of daily responsibilities, and find time for themselves.
Free virtual lunch and learn on zoom about transitions and changes.
It can be hard to know if you have depression or anxiety.
Ageism is discrimination against older people due to negative and inaccurate stereotypes.
one of the most common concerns that are mentioned to the therapist is the concern of side effects.
Anger exists for a purpose—to energize us to act. But when anger runs the show, the actions we take can hurt others or ourselves. When we gain self-awareness and practice emotional regulation, we can use our anger to take us to better things.
Grief and loss are impacting so many individuals who are seeking therapy right now. Loved ones are dying and we have so many people struggling with their mental health.
There are many different types-of-grief and loss. Some may have already occurred such as an event that has resulted in the loss of someone or something. Examples include the death of a person or pet and loss of body functions. Some losses are connected to the self, such as loss of identity or mobility.
Loss in general is not easy but particularly if you are grieving during the holiday season. If you had a choice of losing something or gaining something, I agree that most people would choose the second option.