Couples, Families and Conflict Resolution : 7 Steps to effectively work through relational conflict

Relational problems associated with family upbringing or one’s primary support group are common stressors that come up in therapy, especially for those seeking strategies and support around conflict-resolution.

Different Kinds of Relationships

As humans, we are wired for connection. As infants, we relied on our caregiver(s) to provide safety, stability, and love. Through attachment, children and adults develop trust and learn to regulate emotions. As children, we learned to socialize through interactions with siblings and other children.

How to Have Difficult Conversations: A Lesson from Non-Violent Communication

Can you think of a recent conversation in which you felt judged, bullied, blamed, or criticized by your partner? Do you find yourself becoming defensive within communication or reacting in anger during difficult conversations, only to feel more disconnected and dissatisfied in your relationship(s)?

When to Let Go: Releasing the Past from the Present

The past is an important part of who we are. Our early upbringing, childhood memories, school experiences, first sexual encounters, relationships, and key decisions that shape our present self. Do you ever feel as if there are aspects of your past that are holding you back to being fully present?

Clinician Perspective: What Makes CARE Counseling Different

As someone who has previously worked in a corporate business setting, the non-profit world, and a community mental health clinic, I have been exposed to a variety of work cultures. I have seen how the work culture directly impacts mental health, for better and for worse.

How to Talk About Recovery (If YOU Want)

There is incredible power in sharing one’s story. There are various characters that are part of story. The settings and plot change. There is a beginning, middle, and end as well as elements of conflict and resolution.

How to Be Present

In a world full of distraction, being fully present is not always easy. Our mind can become stuck in the past. I should of…I could have…Perhaps your mind goes back to a particularly difficult experience and the painful emotions that are associated with that time in your life.

Gratitude Practice: What It Is and Why It Works

Journaling, reflective-thinking, letter-writing, and gratitude visits are some of the strategies that are utilized within developing a gratitude practice. Simply naming three things that you are grateful for is not enough.

Level of Care Options: Finding the Right Level of CARE

At CARE Counseling, we are an outpatient clinic that exclusively provides outpatient services. We love to do therapy and do it well.

Individual Advocacy & Case Management

Individual advocacy encompasses speaking up and advocating for the mental health needs of those who are vulnerable. Individual advocates can be family members, friends, or professional supports.