Elections + Outcomes
With the US Presidential Election of 2020 fast approaching, stress, anxiety, and tension is at an all-time high as we anticipate the outcome of our next president.
With the US Presidential Election of 2020 fast approaching, stress, anxiety, and tension is at an all-time high as we anticipate the outcome of our next president.
The first step in stopping panic attacks is to understand what exactly defines a panic attack.
As a therapist who works with individuals who experience panic attacks, here are my top 10 things friends, family and concerned others should do (and not do) when someone is having a panic attack. – Charlotte Johnson, MA, LPCC
The Holidays can be a stressful time. Here is a list of 7 things to remember to help with Self-CARE.
PLEASE MASTER is a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skill to help reduce vulnerability to negative emotions. This is a great skill to help with emotional regulation while also having a framework for steps to take that create healthy habits within daily routines.
Adjusting to life after being diagnosed with T1D can be overwhelming as you are navigating through a new “normal”. Continue reading for some helpful tips to help you adjust to your life.
Outpatient therapy is a great option to consider for yourself of your child if either of you have found that you have been experiencing trauma after learning about a T1D diagnosis.
Depression is very common in youth who have T1D, if you are a parent who is concerned that your child may be having a difficult time, there is treatment and resources available.
Parenting a youth with Type 1 Diabetes can be tough, when a mental health diagnosis has also been ruled in it can make it difficult to manage both aspects. Anxiety is a common among those with T1D, if you think that your child may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety there is lots of helpful resources!
Being an attorney and a mother can be extremely difficult. Finding work-life balance may seem impossible and mother’s may begin to feel guilty for working as much as they do. Continue to read on some tips that can help next time the working mom guilt sets in.