Zero Discrimination Day

Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated around the world on March 1st to promote equality and help end discrimination.

How Meditation Can Help With Getting A Better Night’s Sleep

If you are struggling with getting a good night’s sleep, consider the benefits of meditation. Meditation that focuses on sleep helps one be present in the moment

How To Show Yourself Kindness and Those Around You

We know the importance of being kind to others but are you also showing kindness to yourself? Showing kindness is one of the greatest forms of humanity, as kindness make a big difference in one’s life

Tune Into Your Body To Increase Resiliency and Happiness

Rather than just focusing on the neck up, therapists are incorporating body work by taking a more holistic approach and integrating the rest of the body!

How to Practice Mindfulness and How Shame Can Affect Your Eating Habits

Eating is a daily practice that helps nourish our bodies by keeping them strong and healthy. It is the “fuel” that provides energy for the day. Eating habits may become unhealthy patterns ladened with guilt and shame

Supporting Teachers and The Work They are Doing

Supporting Teachers and The Work They are Doing. As a mental health therapist who has worked many years alongside teachers within the school system, I have a deep appreciate for the work that they do

Practicing Mindful Sex

You find yourself scrolling through social media and before you know it, you find yourself “doomsturbating“—doomscrolling while masturbating. This outcome is not too much different than other self-soothing activities we tend to find ourselves doing while stressed, anxious, depressed, lonely, or just plain old bored.

How to Maintain Friendships When Feeling Depressed, Anxious, Etc…

Friendship is a beautiful thing—childhood friends, friends from school or college days, friendships formed through work, and other stages of life.

Why Every American Should CARE About Black History Month

History Matters. Black Lives Matter. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, influential author, editor, publisher, and historian (December 1875 – April 1950), is known as the “Father of Black History”. One the biggest challenges US/importance-black-history is how to stay engaged beyond the month of February.

No Name Calling Week

No Name Calling Week (January 18th- 22nd, 2021) falls during the same week of the presidential inauguration and is just weeks before Twin Cities educators are preparing for the transition to classroom learning for K-5th grade students.