Becoming an Advocate for Personal Wellness

Prevention is even better than the “cure when it comes to treatment for medical and mental health. One of the best ways of improving-health is with early intervention and treatment. Why is this so essential?

Kinds of Advocacy

Three kinds of advocacy include 1) self-advocacy 2) individual advocacy and 3) systems advocacy. Let’s spend some time getting to know the basics components of each.

What is Systems Advocacy?

Systems advocacy is focused on change of systems. This includes areas such as collecting and using data to influence research, funding, and advocacy that helps serve to be a collective voice, especially for those who are most vulnerable.

College Anxiety

The countdown to college begins. Many students will be moving into their dorms in a month. Exciting and yet scary! The transition to college involves a lot of moving parts, especially when young people are moving out of their parent’s home for the first time.

What is PCIT?

Parenting can be hard. There are good days and not-so-good days, however when the good days feel few and far between it can have a big impact on our mental health.

Managing Memories and Trauma

Safety and stabilization are a core component of trauma-related work. For individuals who have experienced trauma, memories may present as intrusive– showing up, repeatedly and without notice as a reminder to traumatic event (s).

Connecting After Quarantine

After getting used to staying at home, keeping social distance, and mask-wearing, relating to others after quarantine is another big adjustment. One question that often comes up is how-can-I-feel-less-nervous-socializing-after-quarantine?

Juggling Summertime Demands

What comes to mind when you think about summer?

Perhaps relaxing at the beach, taking leisurely walks, or socializing at backyard BBQs? How about a beautiful sunny day spending vacation time with family and friends at the cabin, on the lake, or a special getaway spot…Maybe a summer beverage or ice cream treat in hand?

Independence, Co-Dependence, and Interdependence

Are you Independent, Interdependent, or Co-Dependent in Your Relationship?

If your first response was independent, you likely value being able to make choices on your own–to be seen separate from others based on the result of your hard work, ability, and determination.

Benefits of Friends

Did you know that there are awesome psychological-benefits for adult friendships? As an adult, you may find your friendships taking a back seat to other aspects of your life; however, making and maintaining meaningful friendships is not only good for mental health, but offers quite a few added benefits.