Positive and Negative Consequences of Impulsivity

Several mental health disorders such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), bipolar-disorder, and impulse-control disorders include impulsivity and lack of inhibition that are commonly associated with risky behavior. Individuals with impulse control disorders, substance use disorders, and certain personality disorders are commonly linked to impulsivity. Acting before thinking about potential consequences of behavior is something that we can all do at times, especially for young people whose brains are still developing.

How to Talk to your Kids About School Violence

Social media rumors, including “challenges” that encourage acts of defiance or violence, and the fear of school shootings recently had children, parents, and law enforcement supports on high-alert in response to a tiktok-school-threat warning. This warning was dismissed as not credible; however, many still feeling emotionally unsettled. Depression, anxiety, and responses such as fear impact can result from school violence and impact mental health. In 2021 alone, it was estimated that there were 149 incidents of gunfire-on-school-grounds, 32 deaths, and 94 injuries nationwide.

Anxieties Around Meeting Needs

“My needs are not being met” is a common complaint in relationships. You may be experiencing loneliness due to lack of a fulfilling connections with a partner or family, friends, and/ or social connections. Perhaps you are not feeling respected or esteemed by others within your current role and feeling as though you are “not living up to your full potential”. While these needs are stressful, they are compounded when the foundational basics are not met.

The Harm in Innocent Teasing

Teasing. What comes to mind for you? Do you think of friendly banter, affectionate, maybe even flirty teasing? Teasing to embarrass somewhat, but in a playful way? Maybe in the form of a nickname, joke, or light-hearted insult? Or Does teasing feel more like taunting, in which someone else is making fun of you in a mean way? Does your identity feel threatened due to being targeted or bullied for being different? Does teasing take the form of jokes that are inappropriate or offensive [e.g., racist, sexist, homophobic]? How is your sense of self impacted?

The 4 S’s of Resiliency

No one is immune to experiencing stress, trauma, or other challenging situations that shakes our foundation of safety and security. Reflecting on the last year, many have experienced serious medical and mental health problems or have been impacted by conditions affecting loved ones. Stressors affecting finances and relationships have been prevalent. Suffering is inevitable as it is part of the human condition. Yet during times suffering, there can also be tremendous growth through healing and rebuilding.

Who needs a little extra tender loving care during the holiday season?

Can you think of something who is a bit “pricky”? Maybe their attitude is not very attractive. Perhaps they have been hurting, holding on to bitterness and in turn, pushing away family and friends. Try showing unconditional-positive-regard to demonstrate love and acceptance while also holding onto your own boundaries.

Journaling with CARE Counseling

Awareness of emotional and behavioral patterns is an important aspect for change. If you are not aware that there is a problem, why change? During the holiday season, you will most likely be observing behaviors of your family and friends and may begin to reflect more on how these experiences have shaped your sense of self.  

Creating a Calming Corner

While calming corners can be used an alternative behavioral management strategy for children who are having difficulties with self-regulation, both children and adults can benefit from spending time in a calming corner when feeling one of more of the following:

Emotions are Contagious

You cannot “catch” mental illness like you can catch the flu, but emotions and the flu have one thing in common. They are both contagious! As I think about significant relationships that have been part of my life, I am drawn to those who bring out the best in me. It feels good to be around others who are happy and positive.

Celebrating the Holidays and Giving Thanks with Friends

While the holiday season is often known for its cultural significance of tradition with family and creating fun memories, it can also be a painful reminder of trauma, grief/ loss, and overall family dysfunction. Even if you consider yourself to be lucky to have grown up in an “intact” family or “loving” household, celebrating with family can be stressful.