Kids + Teens with Substance Use

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends screening children starting at age 9 for substance-use. In mental health outpatient settings such as CARE Counseling, concerns are assessed for all children, with screening done for children 10 and older.

Motivation Blog Series Part 6: Balance

Today is our final post in this 6-part series on motivation. Rather than trying to increase or bypass motivation, this week we’ll look at one way to keep motivation going: balance: to keep in the correct proportions

Movtivation Series Part 5: Self-Efficacy

Welcome back! Now that you’re on part 5 of this series (be sure to check out previous posts if you haven’t seen them yet), I hope you have found a few strategies that help you work with or work around motivation.

Domestic Violence

Celebrity relationships can give us a glimpse into our own relationships. While we may sit back and read stories of celebrity gossip for entertainment, they are lives of real people who are also get overwhelmed with stressors, struggle with mental illness, and may turn to maladaptive ways to cope.

5 Things to Expect from Couples Therapy

Congratulations! You and your partner(s) have made the important decision to see a therapist.

Self-Injury Awareness Pt 2

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of self-injurious behavior can help provide support for those experiencing emotional distress.

Social Media + Google

Consider the source of information. In a society where we are inundated with information from the media, including all the advice from anyone with an opinion to share, it can be hard to know what to do. Google search has become a best friend, although it can quickly lead one down a “rabbit hole.” (Especially when already is experiencing anxiety, fear, or doubt!)

Eating Disorder Awareness

National Eating Disorders awareness week aims to educate about the realities of eating disorders. #SeeTheChange

Coping with the “Sunday Scaries”

You realize that you are struggling with the Sunday Scaries as you just can’t shake the feelings of anticipatory anxiety and dread that keep popping up Sunday evening. Perhaps you’ve tried some strategies that haven’t worked too well such as having a drink or taking a smoke break before getting back into your old routines. Your body continues to feel anxious, and you just want to avoid facing the thought of starting an entire week filled with responsibilities, decision-making, and deadlines. Here are some strategies to help cope with the Sunday-scaries:

Adulting is Hard: The “Sunday Scaries”

Friday is here and the work or school week is wrapping up. TGIF. Many people, especially those who have a typical 9-5 schedule look forward to having two days off. It can bring an immediate sense of relief, and opportunity to “be off” and relax from feelings of pressure and responsibility.. Saturday is over before you know it, Sunday is here. As they day progresses, you notice feelings of anxiety that become more intense throughout the day accompanied by an overwhelming sense of dread. “I don’t want to go back to work or school already!” It can be described like an anticipatory anxiety, focused on the negative which can send the body into a fight-or-flight-response. The thought along of returning to work or school can feel terrifying.