Tag Archive for: Mental Health Resources

What is Systems Advocacy?

Systems advocacy is focused on change of systems. This includes areas such as collecting and using data to influence research, funding, and advocacy that helps serve to be a collective voice, especially for those who are most vulnerable.

College Anxiety

The countdown to college begins. Many students will be moving into their dorms in a month. Exciting and yet scary! The transition to college involves a lot of moving parts, especially when young people are moving out of their parent’s home for the first time.

Mental Health Declutter Before Beginning College

College is a time for a fresh start. While some high schoolers reflect on their high school years as one of the best times in their lives, what if your experience was challenging, even traumatic?

Sitting Meditation

This segment guides you through a sitting meditation with breath as the primary object of awareness.

Parent-Child Attachment Activities

Facilitate one of the following activities with the child and their parent or caregiver to improve attachment and attunement in the relationship

Forest Visualization Script

This is a guided imagery for relaxation and self soothe.

Self Meditation Script

This is a body scan practice focused on the chest and belly, useful for emotional awareness.

Web of Life Meditation

This practice is a guided imagery useful for grounding and connectedness.

Shame Shields

According to Brene Brown, there are three common ways that we disconnect from the pain of shame, these are called shame shields. Which Shame shields do you gravitate toward? Who are you most likely to use shame shields with? Are there certain situations that prompt you to use shame shields?

Balancing Roles

For a lot of people, it can be challenging to find balance between all the different roles they fill within their lives: a worker, a parent, a spouse, a child, a homemaker, a student, a citizen, and a leisurite. To start finding balance, it can be helpful to take inventory of how much time we’re spending in each role currently, as well as ideally how much time we would like to spend in each role. To do this, first create a pie chart that shows how your roles are currently balanced in your life. Next, create another pie chart that shows how you could ideally balance your life. Finally, you can begin to explore ways to get closer to your ideal balance