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invaluable videos from our expert mental health practitioners at CARE Counseling

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Balancing Roles

For a lot of people, it can be challenging to find a balance between all the different roles they fill within their lives: a worker, a parent, a spouse, a child, a homemaker, a student, a citizen, and a leisure. To start finding balance, it can be helpful to take inventory of how much time we’re spending in each role currently, as well as ideally how much time we would like to spend in each role. To do this, first, create a pie chart that shows how your roles are currently balanced in your life. Next, create another pie chart that shows how you could ideally balance your life. Finally, you can begin to explore ways to get closer to your ideal balance

We’re Here to help

Our wellness experts will be happy to take CARE of you. You can CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment now or call (612)223-8898.