Feeling Your Body and Mind as a Lake

Help clients experience the steadiness and continuity of their mind that is underneath mental events like emotions.

Mountain Meditation

Imagine oneself as a mountain as a method of grounding in the face of mental events like emotions.

Sitting Meditation

This segment guides you through a sitting meditation with breath as the primary object of awareness.

Meditation for Working with Anxiety and Stress

This practice guides one through meditation on the breath, then a body scan, then awareness of emotion, then awareness of thoughts, and ending with the breath.

Meditation for Uncertain Times

This guided practice is intended to help ease fear, anxiety, or any heavy feelings you may have at this time. It’s nothing more than breathing and focusing your intention on deep healing.

Letting Go of Shame Meditation

This practice can help clients accept and face shame, and practice attending to it and distracting from it.