Spring Cleaning: Mind, Body, Soul, and Space

Life is not “neat and clean”. Life is messy. Along with mess is clutter. Our physical environment can affect our emotional state, and this is different for each person. One important question to consider is how does clutter affect you?

Making Time for Self-Care in May

Taking time for yourself may seem like a luxury, but self-care is an important aspect of good mental health.

May is Mental Health Month!

Good mental health is essential to overall health and well-being. It is important to know that mental health conditions are common and treatable.

The 3 R’s: Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate for Mother’s Day

Expecting moms and new moms.
Moms to school-aged children, teens, and young adults.
Moms that are raising their adult children and grandchildren.
Foster moms, step-moms, and co-parents.
Neighborhood moms and church moms—It takes a village.
Dog moms and cat moms. Even plant moms.

Get Outside and Enjoy The Wild World: Birds!

Spring and Summer are wonderful seasons in Minnesota – trees and shrubs become leafy and vibrant, flowers bloom and scatter their sweet smells, the sun stays out longer and longer, and birds dramatically increase their singing.

Mental Strength & Psychological Endurance

A community that experiences collective trauma again and again. Communities of color have been especially hit hard by COVID-related deaths, followed by the killings of George Floyd and Daunte Wright.

Accelerating LGBTQ Equality + Acceptance

Most Americans believe that LGBTQ people have federal protections in areas such as employment, housing, credit, and accommodations in public spaces; however, LGBTQ people are not equally treated under the law.

What To Do (And Not To Do) When Your Child Comes Out To You

It takes courage for a child to come out as LGBTQ. While a parent may have a variety of responses, here are some important Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind.

Pronouns Explained

Hello! My name is Charlotte. I use she, her, hers pronouns. For those of you reading this, what is your name and pronouns?

Understanding the Process of Autism Screening, Evaluation, and Connection to Supports

Navigating the system is hard work, especially for parents of children on the autism spectrum! I wanted to provide a brief overview of the basic process—from early screening and intervention and evaluation to therapeutic supports.