What is Your Apology Language?

Dr. Gray Chapman, author of the  5 Love Languages now has a tool to help you discover your Apology Language.

Just like we have a preferred way of giving and receiving love, it makes sense that that we also have a preferred way of repairing ruptures in relationships through apology.

Couples, Families and Conflict Resolution : 7 Steps to effectively work through relational conflict

Relational problems associated with family upbringing or one’s primary support group are common stressors that come up in therapy, especially for those seeking strategies and support around conflict-resolution.

How to Have Difficult Conversations: A Lesson from Non-Violent Communication

Can you think of a recent conversation in which you felt judged, bullied, blamed, or criticized by your partner? Do you find yourself becoming defensive within communication or reacting in anger during difficult conversations, only to feel more disconnected and dissatisfied in your relationship(s)?

What is PCIT?

Parenting can be hard. There are good days and not-so-good days, however when the good days feel few and far between it can have a big impact on our mental health.

The Importance of Trans Youth Allies

Allies are so important to adolescent psychosocial identity development and mental health well-being. Adolescence is a key developmental period where youth are exploring and forming identity.

Father’s Day 2021

This Father’s Day, let’s not forget about dad! While mothers play a significant role in a child’s overall wellness, fathers-influence-development-and-well-being too!

Identity & Therapy at CARE Counseling

CARE is “outside the box” to eliminate boxes as gender does not fit neatly into an either-or checkbox.

How to Support a Friend/ Family Member After a Sexual Assault

No one anticipates the day their friend of family member calls in distress after a sexual assault. Nor does one anticipate that they will be raped or assaulted.

Acceptance. Inclusion. Listening, and Creating Space to Feel Heard: What Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum Want You to Know

Parenting is not easy, especially for parents of children with a high level of need. Children with autism are often working so much harder than other children as the environment is not designed for neurodivergent individuals.

What To Do (And Not To Do) When Your Child Comes Out To You

It takes courage for a child to come out as LGBTQ. While a parent may have a variety of responses, here are some important Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind.