7 Types of Triggers and 7 Coping Strategies
Sensory triggers in the environment can be very distracting and trigger sensory overload such as feeling overwhelmed, meltdowns, or shutting down.
Sensory triggers in the environment can be very distracting and trigger sensory overload such as feeling overwhelmed, meltdowns, or shutting down.
No one anticipates the day their friend of family member calls in distress after a sexual assault. Nor does one anticipate that they will be raped or assaulted.
I would like to highlight the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.
Violence within intimate relationships is on the rise. Increased stress + staying at home + social isolation has help create a “perfect storm” for violence within the home. Being familiar with the types of abuse that can occur within relationships is an important step to recognize “red flags” to help yourself and/ or others who are experiencing or have experienced abuse during quarantine.