Entries by Marketing

High Functioning Depression “I’m Good”

“How are you doing?” “Fine” “I’ve noticed a change recently.” “I’m good”. This is a rather typical response from those who seem to be functioning just fine. They go to work or school consistently, join in on social outing and appear to be successful in their accomplishments. They may use things like exercise, hobbies, substance use, or sex to cope.

But What About Me? Post Partum Depression and LGBTQ+

There is a lot of information and research pertaining to mothers on pregnancy, birth/ delivery, and postpartum depression. There is also some helpful information available for fathers, who can experience symptoms of postpartum depression. But what about ME?What if I fall outside the heterosexual partnered relationship? Yes, this information applies to you too!

Family Members or Friends – Supporting Those with OCD

Family and friends may be become quite involved in one’s rituals. When an individual is confronted on their behaviors, the range of experiences can include anxiety, panic attacks, disgust, and feelings of unsettledness. The time spent on compulsions are time consuming or cause significant distress. Avoidance of situations, disruption or delay of plans, and distress within relationships are a few examples.

Looking Behind the Lens of High Functioning Anxiety

When you look behind the lens of high-functioning-anxiety, here is what you often find— Type A personalities, over-achievers, and those who hold high standards for perfectionBusy individuals who are productive with their use of time, People who are viewed as successful and accomplished on the outside but often silently struggle on the inside.