Destigmatize Seeking Professional Help for Your Kid as a Parent – You aren’t a Failure

Two out of three parents are saying that they are “extremely” or “very” worried about the mental health status in young people, according to a Harris poll. The youth-mental-health-crisis is a concern for most Americans, especially parents who are seeing a worsening their children’s mental health since the pandemic.

Kids + Teens with Substance Use

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends screening children starting at age 9 for substance-use. In mental health outpatient settings such as CARE Counseling, concerns are assessed for all children, with screening done for children 10 and older.

Motivation Blog Series Part 6: Balance

Today is our final post in this 6-part series on motivation. Rather than trying to increase or bypass motivation, this week we’ll look at one way to keep motivation going: balance: to keep in the correct proportions

Movtivation Series Part 5: Self-Efficacy

Welcome back! Now that you’re on part 5 of this series (be sure to check out previous posts if you haven’t seen them yet), I hope you have found a few strategies that help you work with or work around motivation.

Domestic Violence

Celebrity relationships can give us a glimpse into our own relationships. While we may sit back and read stories of celebrity gossip for entertainment, they are lives of real people who are also get overwhelmed with stressors, struggle with mental illness, and may turn to maladaptive ways to cope.

What to Look for in a Couples Therapist (Before the 1st Session)

Knowing what to look for in a couple’s therapist can be daunting. Luckily, CARE Counseling has simplified the process for you!

Black History

Listening and learning from Black Americans who have lived history and whose ancestors have lived history is such a humbling experience; Black history is American history.

5 Things to Expect from Couples Therapy

Congratulations! You and your partner(s) have made the important decision to see a therapist.

Self-Injury Awareness Pt 2

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of self-injurious behavior can help provide support for those experiencing emotional distress.