National Diabetes Awareness Month

We CARE about awareness. At CARE Counseling, our clinicians can assist with managing symptoms such as depression related to medical health concerns. We welcome care coordination/ referrals from primary health and specialty care providers. We are trained in managing mental health distress and have a clinician on staff with special interest in Type 1 Diabetes

Post-Treatment… What life looks like now

You officially completed treatment…congratulations! Now what? Like other areas of life where one completes a task, there are steps necessary to maintain positive results.

Masks + Hidden Identity

The sad fact is that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community often feel as if they are wearing a “mask” every day of the year. Imagine what it would be like to feel that your true identity was hidden–feeling pressure to conform, especially when it often does not feel safe to express your gender identity or sexual orientation. 

FEATURED : MSP MAGAZINE’S Women Who Move Minnesota

Dr. Andrea Hutchinson’s drive to improve mental health providers’ lives has quickly established her as a leader
in the mental health community. Dr. Hutchinson’s practice, Care Counseling, fights for therapists by providing
support and training necessary to say things like CARE has 7x less clinician turnover than the national average.

To Strengthen the Community:

To Strengthen the Community:

We asked our staff to pick an organization that we could make a donation to on their behalf. We are speechless as we read through the list and think about all the people that have been impacted with their selection.