Entries by Marketing

Anxiety in Youth with T1D

Parenting a youth with Type 1 Diabetes can be tough, when a mental health diagnosis has also been ruled in it can make it difficult to manage both aspects. Anxiety is a common among those with T1D, if you think that your child may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety there is lots of helpful resources!

Substance Use in Attorneys

As an attorney managing a stressful caseload you may result in coping strategies to help manage your stress. One of the most common coping strategies is substance use. If you feel like you have begun to use negative coping strategies therapy is a great option to help you get back on track.

Trauma as an Attorney

As an attorney you can often be exposed to the traumatic experiences of clients which can lead to experiencing trauma yourself which is often called secondary trauma. If you are being exposed to daily trauma outpatient therapy can be a great option to explore. Learn more about secondary trauma and treatment options below.