Tag Archive for: Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence

Celebrity relationships can give us a glimpse into our own relationships. While we may sit back and read stories of celebrity gossip for entertainment, they are lives of real people who are also get overwhelmed with stressors, struggle with mental illness, and may turn to maladaptive ways to cope.

Saying Sorry

While these are gestures to help you and/or the person you hurt feel better, it does not directly acknowledge the offense.

Stress + Staying at Home: The Rise of Intimate Partner Violence

Violence within intimate relationships is on the rise. Increased stress + staying at home + social isolation has help create a “perfect storm” for violence within the home. Being familiar with the types of abuse that can occur within relationships is an important step to recognize “red flags” to help yourself and/ or others who are experiencing or have experienced abuse during quarantine.

I Don’t Feel Safe at Home : Domestic Abuse + Quarantine

Increased stress with job loss, lack of finances, kids home from school, and social isolation can create an even more volatile home environment for victims and survivors of domestic violence.