How to Talk About Recovery (If YOU Want)

There is incredible power in sharing one’s story. There are various characters that are part of story. The settings and plot change. There is a beginning, middle, and end as well as elements of conflict and resolution.

How to Be Present

In a world full of distraction, being fully present is not always easy. Our mind can become stuck in the past. I should of…I could have…Perhaps your mind goes back to a particularly difficult experience and the painful emotions that are associated with that time in your life.

2021 National Recovery Month Observance

Recovery is for everyone because it benefits everyone. In recovery, we build new connections to ourselves, our families, and our communities. The 2021 National Recovery Month theme, “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community” reminds people in recovery and those who support them, that recovery belongs to all of us.

Gratitude Practice: What It Is and Why It Works

Journaling, reflective-thinking, letter-writing, and gratitude visits are some of the strategies that are utilized within developing a gratitude practice. Simply naming three things that you are grateful for is not enough.

Individual Advocacy & Case Management

Individual advocacy encompasses speaking up and advocating for the mental health needs of those who are vulnerable. Individual advocates can be family members, friends, or professional supports.

Benefits of Movement

The benefits of movement are endless. Movement gets your heart beating and blood flowing, working hard to keep your heart and lungs healthy. Movement helps strengthen muscles—increasing coordination and balance.


In July of 2021, CARE Counseling attended the Twin Cities Pride celebration in Loring Park where we donated a dollar of our own money to CAREMore (Over $400), for each person that joined our resources newsletter.

Becoming an Advocate for Personal Wellness

Prevention is even better than the “cure when it comes to treatment for medical and mental health. One of the best ways of improving-health is with early intervention and treatment. Why is this so essential?

Kinds of Advocacy

Three kinds of advocacy include 1) self-advocacy 2) individual advocacy and 3) systems advocacy. Let’s spend some time getting to know the basics components of each.

What is Systems Advocacy?

Systems advocacy is focused on change of systems. This includes areas such as collecting and using data to influence research, funding, and advocacy that helps serve to be a collective voice, especially for those who are most vulnerable.