Entries by Marketing

How to Teach a Child About Being Grateful

by SHARON SILVER Recently I received a question on Twitter: “Do you have any suggestions for teaching a preschooler appreciation for [a] gift given to him, even if he doesn’t like it?” When a child says “please” and “thank you” during the early years (18 months to age 3), it’s pretty much a rote expression, automatic and mechanical. If […]

10 Dark Parenting Truths We Never Talk About

ByKristen Oganowski wo newly expectant parents recently asked my husband and me for advice about becoming parents. At first, we spoke to some of the lighter, more common truths about having babies—the sleepless hours, the blowout diapers, the potential relinquishing of one’s hours to rocking, holding, changing, cleaning, worrying, wearing pajamas, eating takeout and watching binge-worthy […]

Why Don’t Teachers Get Training On Mental Health Disorders?

Why Don’t Teachers Get Training On Mental Health Disorders? Teaching may be one of the most difficult jobs in the world, with expectations and demands coming from all sides. Teachers juggle content standards, the social and emotional needs of students, behavior, and often trauma, but they also are the first line of defense when students have mental health problems. Paying attention […]

What Really Happens in a Therapy Session

When you take your car to the car mechanic, you know what’s going to happen: Your car will get repaired. When you break a bone and visit your doctor, you know what’s going to happen: Your bone will be set in a splint or cast and eventually heal. But when you make an appointment to […]