Holiday Stress Meditation

Mindfulness Exercise to Prepare for Difficult Conversations

To put it simply, boundaries are a way to understand how we relate to ourselves and other people. Individuals can have boundaries that range from rigid, to healthy, to porous, and oftentimes someone’s boundaries can be different depending on the context. For example, someone with healthy boundaries around their time may have rigid emotional boundaries. offers a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of each boundary type.

Navigating Difficult Relationships FAST

he acronym, FAST, comes from dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and it describes how to promote self-respect while navigating challenging relationship situations:

F – Fair, show fairness to yourself and the other person.

A – Apologize and take responsibility only when appropriate.

S – Stick to your values to preserve your sense of integrity

T – Truthful, be truthful and avoid bending the truth (e.g., exaggerating, acting helpless)

For more information, visit

Creating Balance Meditation

This activity uses getting quiet and posing a question to oneself, “How can I be more balanced?” as well as using the imagery of balancing on a tree branch to create an embodied experience of balance.

Self Compassion Break Version One

Accepting our own vulnerability is made easier when give ourselves compassion. Use this self-compassion break with clients in session or encourage them to use it on their own when working with difficult or vulnerable emotions.

Feeling Your Body and Mind as a Lake

Help clients experience the steadiness and continuity of their mind that is underneath mental events like emotions.

Happiness Myth

In this video Dr. Russ Harris, a therapist who uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), explores three common myths related to happiness that frequently hold people back from feeling like they are living meaningful lives.

The Invisible String

This book is a powerful way to help children visualize connections with their loved ones regardless of location or circumstances.

Emotional Awareness Meditation

This meditation can help clients become more aware of emotions they are experiencing and practice observing those emotions through their senses.