CARE Counseling hosts virtual session discussing teen mental health amid rising concerns about anxiety and depression

During National Mental Health Awareness Week, CARE Counseling is partnering with Newport Healthcare to raise awareness about adolescent mental health by hosting a free virtual event on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. CST.

Stress Relief Resources for Teenagers & Free Online Skills to Relax

Most teens are going to experience stress. Commons sources include pressure put on oneself or from others around performance such as getting good grades and excelling in activities such as sports.

Feeling Connected During Times of Physical Separation

It can be hard to feel like you are still connected when physically separated from loved ones. Finding ways to feel connected even during physical distance can help aid in coping.

Autophobia: The Fear of Being Alone

Autophobia = fear of being alone. Autophobia is not recognized as an official diagnosis but falls within the category of a situational phobia, triggered by the fear of being alone or being lonely.

Opus EHR names David Adair as Clinician of the Month

David Adair, a Mental Health Professional at Care Counseling of Minnesota, has been selected by his team as the clinician of the month, and we couldn’t agree more! He has worked in Mental Health for about five years and has been practicing individual therapy for the past two years.


During the recent cold, snowy days in Minnesota, CARE Counseling’s staff handed out new, free gloves to students walking outside on the campuses of the University of St. Thomas and University of Minnesota.

5 Things You Should Know about Your Diagnosis

A diagnosis is an important part of the first two sessions since it helps the therapist conceptualize the presenting concerns and treatment options by categorizing and naming symptoms.

Supporting Families Impacted by Stress and Trauma

When children experience a traumatic event, the entire family is affected. Often, family members have different experiences and emotional responses to the traumatic event.

5 Tips for Talking to Children about Therapy

Children and teens might be asking to go to therapy and are choosing to seek out help. In other situations, a parent or caregiver is seeking out therapy either voluntarily or at the recommendation of someone.

Support for Developmental Trauma in Childhood

The impact of significant stressors on families and their developing child’s environment can be lifelong since prolonged stress can create biological changes in brain chemistry.