Entries by Marketing

Holding on and Letting Go

This is an activity that helps child understand the basic premise of cognitive coping skills (challenging, refocusing) in order to decide what is important and in their control and what they can let go of in situations. This is a great activity to begin problem solving and autonomous decision making skills.

My DBT House

This is a tool that can be used to gain insight to children’s behaviors, feelings, support networks, and hopes for therapy. This is a great intervention to use for a Diagnostic Interview session with children ages 10 and up.

Feelings in my Body

This is a tool that helps children and teenagers begin the process of understanding emotional identification and expression. By drawing and linking physical responses to emotions, it will hopefully help them have a better understanding of their feelings and give them space to choose the appropriate coping strategies or corrective responses to situations.

Assertive Communication

Assertive Communication Activity: Assertive communication (rather than passive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive) is the ideal communication style to advocate for ourselves while still showing others respect. Many people find that they shift into patterns of ineffective communication when under stress, or in different contexts (for example, assertive at work, but passive with family and passive-aggressive with spouse). Go over the following handout with your client and explore when they utilize assertive communication and in what emotional situations/contexts they fall into less-effective communication styles. Explore what it might be like for client to practice assertive communication in one of these contexts.

Feeling in my Heart

Kids are experiencing a variety of confusing emotions right now (as are adults!). Use the worksheet below or have clients draw out their own Feelings Heart on paper. Have the child choose a few emotions, and the therapist choose a few emotions to use in their heart. Ask the child to color in their heart using colors to represent how much of each emotion is in their heart right now. Normalize all of their emotions!