Tag Archive for: Depression

Importance of Self-Care for Therapists

Utilize social supports including peers, supervisors and supervisors, family, and friends. Seeking your own personal therapy is recommended.

Encouragement in the Workplace

Verbal affirmations help recognize and celebrate the unique traits and talents of employees.

Self-Care Check-in

As you embark on your self-care check-in journey, remember that self-compassion is key.

Gratitude Journaling

As August ends, let gratitude journaling become a cherished part of your routine.

How to Talk About Suicide Prevention in the Workplace

Healthy, happy, and productive employees are vital to the workforce.

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention

Finally, having a sense of connectedness is needed to help protect individuals who are at risk of suicide.

Understanding and Addressing Bullying

Bullying is a serious issue that demands attention and action from parents.

Confronting Perfectionism and Impostor Syndrome

The college journey is marked by academic challenges, but it’s essential to recognize that you’re not alone in grappling with perfectionism and impostor syndrome.

Reducing Stigma on Campus

Reducing the stigma surrounding mental health on college campuses is a collective effort that requires compassion, empathy, and open-mindedness.

Balancing Academics and Social Life in College

Balancing academics and social life in college is an art that requires intentional effort and strategic planning.