Social Support

During the pandemic, a lot of us aren’t seeing as many people as we used to, and sometimes we can forget who we can reach out to. Take some time to make a list of people you can include in your social support network. Once you have your list of potential people, try to reach out to at least one person

The Invisible String

This book is a powerful way to help children visualize connections with their loved ones regardless of location or circumstances.

Soothing with the Senses Box

This is an intervention that can be used for children to find material around their homes that are helpful in soothing and calming during periods of distress.

Dropping the Suitcase of Worry and Regret

This meditation is suitable for clients who may be carrying worries about the future or regrets from their past and want to experience a break from these burdens.

Emotional Awareness Meditation

This meditation can help clients become more aware of emotions they are experiencing and practice observing those emotions through their senses.

Mountain Meditation

Imagine oneself as a mountain as a method of grounding in the face of mental events like emotions.

Sitting Meditation

This segment guides you through a sitting meditation with breath as the primary object of awareness.

Meditation for Working with Anxiety and Stress

This practice guides one through meditation on the breath, then a body scan, then awareness of emotion, then awareness of thoughts, and ending with the breath.

Walking Meditation Version Two

This is a guided walking meditation.

Forest Visualization Script

This is a guided imagery for relaxation and self soothe.