Creating a Safe Place at Home

Choose a space in your home to dedicate to safety and calmness. This could be a room, or even a closet, corner, or a spot outside. Fill the space with things that make you feel safe and calm, so that you can take breaks there and feel more grounded. When thinking about things to include, it can be helpful to think about what textures, smells, imagery, sounds, lighting, or tastes help you feel safe, calm, and grounded

Meditation for Working with Difficulties

This exercise guides the client in attending to pleasant sensation, then unpleasant, then back to pleasant, and then trying to perceive both at once. It is a good practice of shifting attention to not ruminate on pain or troubles.

Self Compassion Break Version One

Accepting our own vulnerability is made easier when give ourselves compassion. Use this self-compassion break with clients in session or encourage them to use it on their own when working with difficult or vulnerable emotions.

Walking Meditation Version One

This is a guided walking meditation.

Feeling Your Body and Mind as a Lake

Help clients experience the steadiness and continuity of their mind that is underneath mental events like emotions.

Happiness Myth

In this video Dr. Russ Harris, a therapist who uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), explores three common myths related to happiness that frequently hold people back from feeling like they are living meaningful lives.

Social Support

During the pandemic, a lot of us aren’t seeing as many people as we used to, and sometimes we can forget who we can reach out to. Take some time to make a list of people you can include in your social support network. Once you have your list of potential people, try to reach out to at least one person

The Rabbit Listened

This is a powerful story about a child feeling supported by the rabbit, who just listened to them. Use this tool to explore what children need when they are experiencing difficult emotions.

The Invisible String

This book is a powerful way to help children visualize connections with their loved ones regardless of location or circumstances.

Soothing with the Senses Box

This is an intervention that can be used for children to find material around their homes that are helpful in soothing and calming during periods of distress.