Entries by Marketing

Holiday Drinking: What Is Normal?

I recently read an interesting article about a Caron Treatment Centers study titled “Many Americans Oblivious to What High-Risk Drinking Looks Like.” Dr. Harris Stratyner was quoted as saying “Alcohol is still the number one cause of damaging behavior at holiday celebrations throughout the U.S”. The information in this article got me thinking… are the holidays a time and […]

The Power Of Pet Therapy

I remember when I was seven, my Great-Uncle Benji said to my parents, “Allison needs a dog.” It was at that time, my life changed. I was a very quiet, reserved kid, but dogs brought me out of my shell. They were with me during good times, painful times and major life events—and loved me […]

PTSD And Trauma: Not Just For Veterans

When we think about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it’s typically in the context of active duty service members and veterans—for good reason. Dangerous and potentially traumatic situations are common occurrences in the context of military service. However, it’s important to note that PTSD is not exclusive to this type of trauma. In the U.S., about eight […]

Opening Up To Others About Your Mental Health

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that tempted you to open up about something incredibly personal, but you hesitated due to the fear of that person’s reaction? Were you worried that telling them would alter their perception of you? Many people experience this feeling as they attempt to determine whether or not to […]

14 Tweets From Parents About Halloween That Will Make You Laugh Your Butt Off

“Treat or Treat!!” 1. Twitter: @Six_Pack_Mom 2. Twitter: @FatherWithTwins 3. Twitter: @ReaganGomez 4. Twitter: @PetrickSara 5. Twitter: @Cheeseboy22 6. Twitter: @WalkingOutside 7. Twitter: @XplodingUnicorn 8. Twitter: @simoncholland 9. Twitter: @MattWalshBlog 10. Twitter: @mommy_cusses 11. Twitter: @WalkingOutside 12. Twitter: @OBfromNJ 13. Twitter: @drinksmcgee 14. Twitter: @sarcasticmommy4 By Krista Torres  https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/14-jokes-by-parents-about-halloween-that-will-make-you?utm_term=.bxrMMpVygL#.algxxYlB1p

Go Take A Hike (And Get Some Vitamin D)

Do you ever feel less energized, motivated or happy during the winter months? If you do, you aren’t the only one. Many people’s moods and feelings are affected by the amount of sunshine and vitamin D they receive. “Some studies suggest an association between low vitamin D levels in the blood and various mood disorders, […]