Tag Archive for: help with depression

Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly: In her book, Daring Greatly, researcher and author Brené Brown beautifully defines vulnerability as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure… [that] is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy courage, empathy, and creativity.” In other words, vulnerability is uncomfortable but often necessary to foster emotions and experiences that help us feel fulfilled and satisfied in life. Take some time to think about ways you can practice vulnerability in big and small ways, and maybe even challenge yourself to experiment with being vulnerable.

Containment in Telehealth

“Containment is a powerful skill for all of us. Containment allows us to give our nervous systems a break from distress and choose what and when we want to think about certain things.”

Light Stream Technique

This mindfulness practice includes the defusion technique of imagining an emotion as an object, and a self soothing technique of imagining a healing light addressing that object.

Behavioral Activation

Sometimes we can help ourselves feel better faster by increasing enjoyable activities and decreasing the number of stressors that have been piling up. Using the following table, practice recording how you feel before and after doing enjoyable activities and completing responsibilities. (Credit: TherapistAid.com)

Leaves on a Stream

This is a cognitive defusion exercise that allows clients to practice mindfulness and acceptance of their thoughts and feelings.