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I'm angered by the events that have happened; I'm saddened by them. I feel disappointed, helpless, and scared. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. It's likely that you are feeling the same way, whether a person of color or an ally. All of our hearts are heavy as we process what has happened in our city.

Baby Steps

Did you know that 4 in 5 Americans' mental health has been impacted by COVID-19? That is 80% of the population! Since there is a strong connection to physical and mental health, it is important to take care of both. Now is a great time to take charge of your mental health.

Mother’s Day, When Grief Gets in the Way

Mother's Day is a celebration of mothers and motherhood. I recognize that Mother's Day can bring mixed emotions to both children and mothers impacted by social distancing and other challenging circumstances related to trauma, grief and loss.

Adjusting to LIfe as a Youth with T1D

Adjusting to life after being diagnosed with T1D can be overwhelming as you are navigating through a new “normal”. Continue reading for some helpful tips to help you adjust to your life.

Trauma in Youth with T1D

Outpatient therapy is a great option to consider for yourself of your child if either of you have found that you have been experiencing trauma after learning about a T1D diagnosis.

Depression in Youth with T1D

Depression is very common in youth who have T1D, if you are a parent who is concerned that your child may be having a difficult time, there is treatment and resources available.