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Did you know that most emotions last 90 seconds?

The 90 Second Rule is a term used by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist who specialized in the anatomy of the brain.

Adjusting to a New Norm

As we are approaching six months since adjusting to a new norm with the onset of COVID-19, it could be argued that many, if not most people in the United States are experiencing a combination of emotional and/ or physical symptoms precipitated by stressful life events in 2020.
Idea Box

What Tools are in Your Toolbox?

A common reason why individuals, families, and couples seek counseling is to "fix" a problem. Imagine if you only had one tool in your toolbox. Would that tool be effective?

To Strengthen the Community:

To Strengthen the Community: We asked our staff to pick an organization that we could make a donation to on their behalf. We are speechless as we read through the list and think about all the people that have been impacted with their selection.

Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies

Since social change involves a shift in attitudes, values and actions, deliberate important dialogues need to take place. Conversations about topics such as racism and White privilege can create a sense of cognitive dissonance, which is defined as "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."

Comedy Through The Chaos featuring Amy Babcock w/ Care Counseling

Miss Shannan's "Comedy Through The Chaos" is a streaming comedy variety show. The series is designed to shine a light on real and sometimes difficult subjects through the humor of Storytelling and Stand up.