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FEATURED : MSP MAGAZINE’S Women Who Move Minnesota

Dr. Andrea Hutchinson’s drive to improve mental health providers’ lives has quickly established her as a leader in the mental health community. Dr. Hutchinson’s practice, Care Counseling, fights for therapists by providing support and training necessary to say things like CARE has 7x less clinician turnover than the national average.

Kindness BASICS

When you value kindness, you are also valuing the needs of others-- demonstrating CARE and concern for another human being. A warm smile is a universal language. What is the nicest thing anyone ever did for you? Do you remember how you felt?

Connect with the Celebration of Recovery!

Did you know that Minnesota is also known as “Minnesober” or “The Land of 10,000 Treatment Centers?!”

Mental Health Crisis in America

As we enter a new school year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts are warning about an alarming outbreak of increasing poor mental health.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg bu Andrew Spear

The Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

We mourn the passing of a legend and for many a hero. Much has been written in the past few days about Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) and how she was a force for change, an advocate for women, a crusader for LGBTQ+, the disabled and many more. 
Please Master DBT

PLEASE MASTER : Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

PLEASE MASTER is a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skill to help reduce vulnerability to negative emotions. This is a great skill to help with emotional regulation while also having a framework for steps to take that create healthy habits within daily routines. 

My Brain is a Minefield – How do I Stop the Negative Thoughts?

Have you ever felt like navigating thoughts, feelings, and reactions to situations is like navigating through an active minefield? One wrong move, and the bomb explodes with the “what if's” or “I should be’s.” 

Did you know that most emotions last 90 seconds?

The 90 Second Rule is a term used by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist who specialized in the anatomy of the brain.