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Considerations for Providers Working with Children in the BIPOC Community

Mandated Reporting: Considerations for Providers Working with Children in the BIPOC Community

Since Black and Native American children are disproportionately reported and involved in child protective services in Minnesota, reading literature on topics such as systemic racism, ways to help break cycles and help children thrive, family preservation, kinship care, and building on the strengths of families is the first of many systems towards systemic change for everyone who works with children, but especially important when working with the BIPOC community.
“Systems” Involvement and Preservation of Black Families in Minnesota

“Systems” Involvement and Preservation of Black Families in Minnesota

As an early career mental health therapist, I worked predominantly with Black families with children who were involved in the “system” Most referrals for mental health evaluations and therapy came directly from the county for children working with child protective services (CPS) or juvenile probation.
Stop Blaming Yourself and Over-Apologizing

Stop Blaming Yourself and Over-Apologizing

Negative and repetitive thought patterns are present in both anxiety and depression. There are many cognitive-distortions present in negative thinking. Many of these thoughts take the form of negative-automatic-thought (NAT) patterns.
Sex After 40

Sex After 40

Sex drive changes through various ages in addition to the quality and quantity of sexual encounters.
"Second Puberty" in Adults

“Second Puberty” in Adults

The Tanner-stages of sexual maturity ratings help provide guides for physical development changes.
Timelines of Life Expectations: Where do these come from?

Timelines of Life Expectations: Where do these come from?

Is where you're at right now consistent with expectations—either of yourself or others?
Your Lived Experiences: Acceptance & Approval vs. Disapproval and Judgment

Your Lived Experiences: Acceptance & Approval vs. Disapproval and Judgment

Many people have stories of seeking and finding acceptance and approval within their journey as well as stories of experiencing disapproval and judgment—either within themselves or from others.
How to Cope with Feeling Judged by Others within your Spaces

How to Cope with Feeling Judged by Others within your Spaces

It can be very hard to be vulnerable again if you have opened up in a space that felt safe at the time (e.g., with a partner, parent, best friend, or past therapist) only to feel misunderstood, upset, and discouraged to continue opening up.