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understanding BPD

Understanding BPD

One thing that distinguishes borderline personality disorder from the other areas is that BPD is a personality-disorder.
Difference between depression and anxiety

The Differences Between Anxiety and Depression

It can be hard to know if you have depression or anxiety.
Ageism Post

Reframing Ageism

Ageism is discrimination against older people due to negative and inaccurate stereotypes.
Medication info

Considering Taking Medications and Their Side Effects

one of the most common concerns that are mentioned to the therapist is the concern of side effects.
Cervical Cancer Post

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that girls see a gynecologist for their first exam between ages 13-15

Anger Management

Anger exists for a purpose—to energize us to act. But when anger runs the show, the actions we take can hurt others or ourselves. When we gain self-awareness and practice emotional regulation, we can use our anger to take us to better things.
Primary Care

The Importance of Primary Care

If you do not have a primary care doctor, please consider making this a priority to establish care.
Suicide Awareness and Remembering Stephen tWitch Boss

Suicide Awareness and remembering Stephen tWitch Boss

Grief and loss are impacting so many individuals who are seeking therapy right now. Loved ones are dying and we have so many people struggling with their mental health.