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Person centered

What is a Person-Centered Therapist?

The client is the focus of interventions, and the therapist works alongside the client.
Why therapy ends

7 Reasons Why Therapy Ends

If a therapist is lacking the competency to be of professional assistance, then they are to avoid starting or continuing to provide therapy.
Transparent communication

Being Transparent in Communication with Your Therapist

Mental health presentations and life experiences can impact rapport and trust, especially if establishing trust has been difficult

CARE Counseling Announces the Ribbon Cutting for Their New Clinic in Plymouth, Minnesota

Crunch, the beloved mascot of the Minnesota Timberwolves, will be present to join in the celebration and help pass out information to guests who drive by and grab breakfast the morning of July 7th.
Considerations for couples therapy

Considerations when Combining Individual and Couples or Family Therapy

Each person in a couple’s relationship can generally benefit from some individual therapy sessions first and then adding in the couple’s therapy.
Become an ally

Become an Ally: Three Ways to be More Accepting

We all need to feel physically and emotionally safe, to feel connected within relationships.

Practicing Positive Strategies Within Anger Payoffs

When anger seeks to change others, try using healthy communication skills.