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Intergen Trauma

Intergenerational Trauma and Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences

You may be familiar with the term generational trauma (also known as inter-generational trauma) …trauma which is passed down through the generations but how exactly down trauma pass and what can be done?

Trauma Informed CARE

What have your past and present medical and mental health experiences been like? Did you feel physically and psychologically safe? Were you able to trust your provider, have a voice, and collaborate in your treatment?

Understanding Trauma

According to the dictionary’s definition, trauma is “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience”. Trauma is considered a widespread problem that can impact people from all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.
Different trauma

Different types of Trauma: Collective, Historical, Generational

Understanding different types of trauma can help healthcare providers take into consideration a more holistic approach to healing as part of trauma-informed-care. Let’s look at three different types of traumas: collective, historical, and generational.
Healing from Collective, Historical, and Inter-generational Traumas

Healing from Collective, Historical, and Inter-generational Traumas

Seeking out the voices from individuals who research, work with, and live in marginalized, and underserved communities helps provide a model for healing from trauma that is more representative to needs of those who are impacted by collective, historical, and/or inter-generational trauma.
Family Photo

What Makes Families Resilient?

Hardship does not just impact individuals, but also families. Have you ever wondered what-makes-families-resilient? Family Resiliency is defined as the family’s ability to “withstand and rebound from disruptive life challenges, strengthened and more resourceful” (Walsh, 2011, p 149). Dr. Walsh is an expert of family resiliency.

Why is it so Hard to Trust Others?

“I-don’t-trust-people”. When I hear this statement in therapy, oftentimes there are ruptures in relationships. Maybe you have been let down multiple times, feeling emotional or physical abandonment. Maybe no one has been there to show up consistently to support you when you needed them most so now you depend on yourself (and trust no one).

Why is it so Hard to Trust Myself?

There are many factors that can impact difficulty trusting-yourself. Being true to yourself in the choices that you make can be hard, especially when there is fear of judgement and the need for others’ approval. You may fear things like disappointing others, making the wrong choice, or regretting your decision later.