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Self Discovery

Exploring self-discovery in the college years

The college years are a time of self-discovery and personal growth that can shape the trajectory of your life.
Counseling services

Navigating Counseling Services and Support Resources

As a college student, taking care of your mental health is essential for your overall success and well-being.

Reducing Stigma on Campus

Reducing the stigma surrounding mental health on college campuses is a collective effort that requires compassion, empathy, and open-mindedness.

Dealing with Loneliness in College

Dealing with loneliness in college can be challenging but remember that there are steps you can take to connect with others and seek support.
Social life

Balancing Academics and Social Life in College

Balancing academics and social life in college is an art that requires intentional effort and strategic planning.

Managing Homesickness: A Guide for College Freshmen

Dealing with homesickness as a college freshman is a natural part of the transition to higher education.

Recognizing Shame Shields and Developing Resiliency

Shame tends to thrive in secrecy so speaking out and having a voice is one way to help feel empowered.
Toxic shame

What to do When Your Guard is up in Relationships

Allow yourself to grieve as you work with emotional experiences such as shock, anger, and denial.