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Self care

10 Self-Care Practices Every College Student Should Know

Don't forget to make time for activities you're passionate about outside of your academic pursuits.
online therapy

Online Therapy vs. In-Person Counseling

Remember that you have options, and the most important thing is finding the support that works best for you.
exploring group therapy

Exploring the Benefits of Group Therapy on Campus

Group therapy can lead to the formation of strong bonds and friendships

Benefits of Body Doubling with a Therapist

Other strategies that others have used include apps on phones and computers, planners, checklists, and reminders.

Choose Your Own Adventure with Your Therapist as a Guide

The good news is that every day is an opportunity for a new adventure and therapy is a resource available to help cope.

Exploring Niche Therapies in Addiction Treatment

Niche therapies acknowledge the interconnectedness of the mind and body.

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Addiction

The link between childhood trauma and addiction is undeniable, and its consequences are profound.

Addiction and Chronic Pain

By addressing both conditions comprehensively, individuals can work toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.