Substance Abuse as an Attorney

Substance Abuse in attorneys

Being an attorney can cause high levels of stress with little time to figure out coping strategies. One of the easiest coping traps to fall into is substance use! According to a study, 21% of attorneys consider themselves “problem drinkers” and 9% have difficulty with addiction to prescription medications. Many of these statistics occur “within the first 15 years in the industry” (source)!

What are common symptoms and warning signs that I could have a substance use problem? Here is a great list of things to look out for: withdrawal from loved ones; sudden changes in your behavior; using substances under risky conditions; risky behaviors while under the influence of substances; loss of control over your substance use; doing things you normally would not to maintain the habit; spending extraneous amounts of time seeking the attainment of the substance; increased tolerance and showing withdrawal symptoms when not using; and feeling like you need the substance to function.

Do these sound familiar to you? Outpatient therapy can be a great option to help get back on track. In outpatient therapy, you can create healthier coping skills, understand the effects of the substances on your life, and process difficulty with thoughts and feelings that lead to the use.

Check out the services offered at these highly accessible locations:

CARE Counseling – focused on 1-hour weekly sessions for low acuity
2000 Aldrich Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55405

NUWAY, Inc – higher levels of care including intensive outpatient and residential chemical dependency treatment
Many locations throughout the Twin Cities

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation – offering a variety of level of care
Many locations through the Twin Cities

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