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Trauma Awareness and Treatment Options

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines trauma as a “an emotional response” to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. You may have directly experienced a terrible event, learned about a terrible event happening to a close friend/ family member, or had a frightening experience in which there was actual or threatened death, injury, or violence.
Supporting a Loved one with PTSD

Supporting Someone with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder is not easy to live with, and it can be incredibly challenging to witness a loved one struggle with the different symptoms that make up this disorder.

Men’s Mental Health Week 2021

Awareness, prevention, education, and treatment are key aspects for mental health wellness. For men, factors such as social norms, reluctance to seek help, stigma, lack of culturally-competent care, or minimization of symptoms can make it difficult to get treatment for these common mental health problems that are prevalent among men.

Father’s Day 2021

This Father’s Day, let’s not forget about dad! While mothers play a significant role in a child’s overall wellness, fathers-influence-development-and-well-being too!

Let’s Talk About Postpartum

Postpartum is the magical time when you have your baby and you can finally sleep again and all your dreams are coming true - right? If you are a (new) parent - you probably laughed and / or scoffed at that statement.

Practicing Body Neutrality

For those who struggle with body image concerns, this time of year can bring additional challenges and negative thoughts in managing body checking behaviors, comparisons to other people, and being present when engaging in summer activities such as going to the beach.

LGBTQ+ Pride Flags: A Brief History from CARE

Did you know that there are over 20 different LGBTQ flags? Each has their own meaning and tell a story of individuals and groups within the LGBTQIA+ community, represented by the various colors in stripes, shapes, and symbols.
Identity & Therapy

Identity & Therapy at CARE Counseling

CARE is “outside the box” to eliminate boxes as gender does not fit neatly into an either-or checkbox.