Maple Grove Therapists

Clients have the option to locate experienced therapists either at our physical Maple Grove location or virtually, accessible throughout the entire state of Minnesota.

Maple Grove Therapists

11671 Fountains Drive Suite #200,

Maple Grove, MN 55369

Fax: (833) 972-1144

We can help.


Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but people with depression often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating. But each disorder has its own causes and its own emotional and behavioral symptoms. Learn More

Physical health and mental health often go hand in hand. If you are struggling with your physical health, studies show your mental health can be strained during this time as well. Read below for more information on health and sleep. Learn More

Self care sounds easy enough, but it is a bit more complex than you might think. Self care isn’t just making sure you brush your teeth before bed, it consists of finding balance in your life and finding ways to take care of your mental, physical, and emotional health. Self care can affect our moods, relationships, and overall functioning. Self care is not only for people struggling with mental illness. Everyone has mental health, so self care is for everyone. Learn More

Our connections to others make us human. The way that we connect is by developing and growing our relationships over time. Now, relationships naturally go through ups and downs throughout their lifetime, so it’s normal to want a little help nurturing and building a connection you have, had, or would like to have. Learn More

Therapy at CARE Counseling for addiction struggles may involve exploring and accepting the past events and mental health symptoms that led to addiction as well as planning for ways to replace the unwanted behaviors with healthy coping skills. Learn More