Weekly Intervention Ideas: January 11th Edition

Theme: Setting Goals

Kid strategy of the week:

  • Goal Ladder: With kiddos, making goals that are “within reach” supports them in developing a sense of confidence and ability towards eventually achieving their “big dreams.” Creating a Goal Ladder instills the idea of building upon small steps to achieving a big goal (such as eating an apple in several small bites!). On the handout attached/below:
    • Place their big goal at the top of the ladder
    • Fill in the steps to achieving this goal (see SMART goal strategy below)
    • Celebrate success upon each next step of the ladder!
  • Sample Progress Note: The focus of the session was (tailor based on treatment plan). The therapist engaged the client in a goal-setting activity (goal ladder) to help them build their sense of ability towards achieving. The Ct responded to the goal activity by (fill in the blank).

Couples strategy of the week:

  • Managing Shared Goals: Many couples like to work together toward their goals, such as shared relationship goals, health goals, financial goals, or community engagement goals. To manage your goals, consider the following:
    • Prioritizing one or two goals to maximize your effectiveness and reduce overwhelm.
      • Write down each goal you have. What are your goals as a couple? What about individually? Is there any overlap between your goals?
      • What are your shared values as a couple? Which goals align with your values?
      • What are your long-term goals as a couple?
    • Utilizing each of your strengths to accomplish the goals.
      • What are each of your strengths?
      • How might each of your strengths help you reach your goals, specifically?
      • Do you share any strengths?
      • Are there strengths that you don’t share?
    • Creating a SMART goal.
      • Specific: What do you want to do? The more narrow, the better.
      • Measurable: How will you know that you’ve met your goal?
      • Attainable: Is this a reasonable expectation of yourself?
      • Relevant: Does the goal align with your values?
      • Timely: When do you want to achieve your goal?
  • Sample Progress Note: The focus of this session was… The therapist helped the couple explore their shared goals, their values, and their strengths. The couple was (engaged/receptive/disengaged/etc) while discussing these topics, and they (were able/struggled/somewhat able) to identify a shared goal related to (their relationship/health/parenting/finances/etc), as well as potential strategies to reach their goal.

Adult strategy of the week:

  • SMART Goals: To help improve your ability to progress toward your goals, it can be helpful to structure your goals in the SMART format, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.
    • Specific: What do you want to do? The more narrow, the better.
    • Measurable: How will you know that you’ve met your goal?
    • Attainable: Is this a reasonable expectation of yourself?
    • Relevant: Does the goal align with your values?
    • Timely: When do you want to achieve your goal?
    • Examples:
      • Not a SMART goal: I will practice better sleep habits (not Specific, Measurable, or Timely)
      • SMART goal: I will turn off my phone (Specific) a half hour before bed each weeknight (Measurable) for the next week (Timely). Adjust this goal as needed to align with Attainability and Relevance.
  • Sample Progress Note:  The focus of this session was… The therapist provided psycho-education about SMART goals and helped the client create a SMART goal related to (relationship maintenance/sleep habits/physical activity/school work/etc). The client reported that discussing SMART goals was (helpful/not helpful/boring/etc), and they (were able/struggled/hesitant/etc) to create a SMART goal for themselves.

Mindfulness/Meditation of the week:

  • Guided Relaxation: Visualizing Goals Meditation (below)
  • Sample Progress Note: The focus of this session was… The therapist led a meditation (Visualizing Goals). Ct. (engaged/did not engage in the activity), and they reported that the meditation was (helpful/difficult/not helpful)

Meditation Script:

When you’re ready, you can close your eyes.
Imagine you’re somewhere very comfortable. You begin to feel warm and cozy inside even though the outside air has grown crisp. The trees have lost their leaves and have gone to sleep for the winter.
Imagine yourself curled up in front of a nice warm fireplace. You watch as the flames flicker yellow and red. The golden yellow flame seems to relax you even further as you enjoy the warmth and coziness. Your body is becoming more and more relaxed.
As you are here enjoying this moment of relaxation, you start to remember one wonderful thing that may have happened this past year (or month). There may also have been moments that made you smile and grateful.
You’ve grown on the outside and on the inside, too. You’re smarter, wiser, and more resilient. You know yourself better, and you’re getting to know your strengths more and more.
If there’s anything you wish to leave behind, take a moment to let that be now. Breathe deeply, and when you let your breath out, blow those things away.
The new year (or month) can bring a new landscape ahead of you.
Now is the time to think about all the amazing things you want to accomplish. Remember, you can achieve!
So start to imagine all the wonderful things you’d like to do this coming year (or month). Maybe you want to get better at something you enjoy doing, or perhaps learn a new skill.
Maybe you want to spend more time helping others.
Whatever you decide, you’ll have a wonderful goal to work toward each and every day.
Always remember to have belief in yourself and in your ability to accomplish your goals. By using your heart and your mind together, you can create a fantastic year (or month) filled with joy, laughter, and hope!
Now take in a deep breath and imagine yourself at the end of the year (or month) having accomplished all these wonderful things you’ve been thinking about.
Picture yourself as having succeeded, and hold on tightly to that image in your mind and heart!
Now allow peacefulness to fill up your entire body, going into each and every cell.
When you’re ready you can open your eyes and give your body a big stretch… and be ready to live your goals!

Sources if needed:
4 Steps for Helping Your Child Set Effective Goals (With Printables) – Big Life Journal
Guided Meditation for the New Year Script: Visualizing the New Year (greenchildmagazine.com)

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