Support School Counselors During National School Counseling Week – February 7-11, 2022

Support-School-CounselorsNational School Counseling Week this year is February 7-11, 2022. National-School-Counseling-Week is sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).

School counselors have a significant role in students’ lives, making impacts on school and future success.  Having worked as a school-based therapist for more than 10 years in the public school system, I have a tremendous appreciation for school counselors. Minnesota-school-counselors have some of the greatest demands compared to other schools in the nation.

Did you know that the national averages are 1 school counselor per 470 students? Data from The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) research state ratios report revealed that Minnesota’s school counselor to student ratio was one of the worst in the nation at 1 counselor per 734 students! This far exceeds the ASCA recommendations of 1 counselor per 250 students.

Check out some of the things you might find a school counselor doing:

  • Spending time with students in visible areas such as the classrooms, hallways, and offices with doors open as sources of support
  • Helping students navigate options with job/ career and college readiness and assisting with test administration
  • Working with educators, administration, and leadership to provide student support, attend meetings, coordinate services, and work together to address issues such as racial and economic achievement gaps
  • Addressing school disciplinary incidents and promoting positive pro-social behavior
  • Providing education and preventative care support for concerns such as bullying, school safety, sexual health, mental health, and substance use
  • Providing school counseling support to students, including group support, special education/ learning support, and referrals to community partners for longer-term services
  • Coordinating care with students and parents/ guardians to access resources and supports to address student needs to facilitate learning.

Please take time this week to thank a school counselor who has been an impact on your life.

A special note to school counselors, we would love to fill your bucket to help provide support in a therapeutic space. As you care for others, we also CARE about you.

If you or someone you know is struggling we urge you to reach out for help.

CARE Counseling offers one-hour talk therapy services in Minnesota for all ages. You can schedule online by visiting or by calling (612)223-8898.

Written By: Charlotte Johnson, MA, LPCC – Clinical Supervisor and Mental Health Professsional at CARE Counseling

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