CARE Counseling uses OPUS

electronic health record (EHR) system.

CARE Uses Microsoft Teams for Telehealth

Please note:

  • If joining a telehealth appointment from a computer, you can join Teams without downloading an app.
  • From your phone you will need to download the Microsoft Teams app

For instructions:


CARE uses the Patient Portal for so that clients can sign paperwork and complete forms, receive documentation and resources, schedule or cancel appointments, make payments and add payment methods, and join telehealth appointments.  

There is no log-in or password for the portal. 

  • To access the portal, you must go to the portal webpage and enter your email (it must match the one we have on file)  
  • You will receive a “magic link” in your email 

Click the link in your email to enter your portal.  

  • Please note that portal links expire 24 hours after they are sent.  
  • If the link has expired, simply enter your email again to send a new link.  
  • Make sure to click on the link in the new email rather than the old email with the expired link.  
  • If you are having difficulties accessing the portal contact 612-223-8898