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Making The 2018 Mid-Term Elections About Mental Health

Throughout NAMI’s history, mental health advocates have shaped…

Overcoming Stigma

I was sitting alone in the hallway of the Carter Center conference…

Shutting Down Five Misconceptions About Depression

When I first started opening up about my struggle with depression,…

Reflections On Medicine, Shame And Stigma

As I was entering medical school, I found out that my mother…

How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Social Media

Social media has allowed society to become more connected than…

5 Common Myths About Suicide Debunked

Suicide affects all people. Within the past year, about 41,000…

Communicating Is More Than Finding The Right Words

My last depressive episode left me completely isolated. I didn’t…

How To Reduce Screen Time In The Digital Age

Smartphones have transformed modern life in more ways than anyone…