According to the National Eating Disorders Association, it is estimated that 30 million Americans have struggled with an eating disorder at some point over their lifetime, about 20 million women and 10 million men. Although many people associate young women with eating disorders, men can have them too, in fact, eating disorder symptoms in males may often go undiagnosed or unnoticed.

Eating disorders are thought to be caused by a mix of genetic and environmental factors, and the chance for recovery increases the earlier an eating disorder is detected. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the warning signs. Some of these signs and symptoms include: preoccupation with weight, refusal to eat certain foods, feeling uncomfortable eating around others, food rituals, skipping meals, withdrawal from usual friends and activities, frequent dieting, extreme concern with body size and shape, extreme mood swings, and more. If you find yourself struggling with some of these symptoms, it may be time to reach out for help.

Therapy at CARE Counseling for eating disorders may include exploring the underlying mental health symptoms contributing to your struggles and exploring ways to get more support for what you need.

warning signs

Limited food intake

Fear of being “fat” even if other people do not think they are “fat”

Difficulty with body image

Excessive behaviors intended to prevent weight gain, such as working out excessively or purging (e.g., voluntarily throwing up or using laxatives)

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treatment at care

Helping to understand thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are triggering

Helping to develop coping skills

Coordinating care with other support professionals when needed



Anorexia Nervosa: People with this eating disorder limit their food intake, fear being “fat”, experience problems with their body image, and weigh significantly less than what is considered normal for their age and height

Bulimia Nervosa: People with bulimia nervosa binge eat and engage in behaviors intended to prevent weight gain, such as working out a lot or purging, people with bulimia nervosa can be any weight

Binge-Eating Disorder: People with Binge-Eating Disorder have recurrent episodes of binge-eating, when they feel out of control while eating large amounts of food in a short period of time


  • If a person purges often they may experience ongoing sore throats, tooth decay, intestinal problems or severe dehydration
  • Eating more rapidly than normal
  • Eating until uncomfortably full
  • Eating large amounts of food when not hungry
  • Eating alone because of feeling embarrassed
  • Feeling disgusted with themselves, depressed, or guilty