Coping Over The Last Year… How Did We Do It?

As a follow up to reflection of a therapist blog, I wanted to capture strategies and themes that have helped build resilience and coping within our clients over the last year. Online therapy has been an amazing platform. It has been a privilege walk alongside individuals and families during this time in our history. Here is just a glimpse of the interventions and the themes that were helpful with coping.

• Maintaining continuity of care using telehealth
• Seeking out and maintaining social connections through quarantine
• Creating new routines and setting goals
• Laughing and play to help reduce depression
• Remembrance and mourning during grief/ loss
• Processing ambiguous loss and trauma
• Finding ways to build community to strengthen the community
• Taking action and showing support
• Showing kindness and expressing gratitude
• Focusing on self-care
• Caring for those who are suicidal, misusing drugs or alcohol, or in recovery
• Caring for those who are hurting, engaging in self injurious behavior
• Creating meaningful rituals and celebrations
• Focusing on priorities—understanding what “really matters”
• Connecting with self, family/ friends, pets, nature, and/or spirituality
• Communicating and setting boundaries
• Learning coping skills
• Investigating emotions with suppressing them
• Working with unhelpful thinking patterns
• Tuning into our bodies
• Engaging in movement
• Using mindfulness to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep
• Practicing mindfulness- including mindful eating and mindful sex
• Practicing self-compassion
• Increasing ability to cope with uncertainty

Written By: Charlotte Johnson, MA, LPCC

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The professionals at CARE are actively collecting and creating resources to help with what you need. We’re Here for You.

On July 30th, our current electronic health system will transition to a new and advanced system to better serve you: Athena. Prior to the transition date, you will be sent a registration link to create a new patient account in Athena. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your therapist, or call our office to speak to a staff member.